Managing web projects after launch can cause nightmares. In many cases, the cause is the wrong choice of hosting and the absence of a professional support team. OneCore Dev’s team of experienced web development professionals completely understand the importance of the post development stage of a web project. That’s why our hosting and support package offers a lifetime 100% warranty to make sure your website functions the way its supposed to, from A to Z.

What's Involved


Hosting of website and database.


We keep your website safe from cyberattacks, keep it from being disabled and eliminate the possibility of revenue restrictions to your business.

Website, Database Backups

Regular and thorough site backups so that it may be fully restored if necessary.

Uptime Monitoring

We make sure your website is always up and running without any downtime.

Technical Assistance & Advice

When you need help doing something yourself on the website (i.e.: Content addition/deletion, new page creation, password recovery).

Content Addition & User training

Images, video, new pages, graphical elements, new articles (up to 10 pages/month)
CMS training, explanation of how to do actions described above.

Captcha Installations & Updates

Stop spam and protect your website against bots. We install captcha on all the website’s forms if you start receiving spam emails. Captcha is updated regularly.

Technology Updates

Includes web widgets (forms, site search, etc.), plug-ins (browser extensions), third party software API integration (QuickBooks, Salesforce etc.) and making sure website meets updated Google requirements.

Server Updates

Regular security updates that restrict unwanted users from entering your site’s backend.

Emergency support

Broken navigational links. Error correction after wrong, foreign, or malicious content insertions.

Quality Assurance

All of the above maintenance services will be reviewed by our in-house quality assurance specialist.

Benefits & Outcomes

OneCore Dev’s Hosting & Support services keep your website:

  • Secure and protected against attacks
  • Updated to the latest technology requirements
  • Regularly backed-up in case it needs to be restored

We decrease:

  • Site downtime
  • Broken navigational links
  • Spam and bot infiltration

Book a Free Consultation with One of Our Representatives: